Python static blog software

An open source personal publishing platform that inherits many ideas of wordpress written in python and developed with a focus on security and usability built on. A static site generator combines a markup language with a templating engine to. Minimalistic blogging software that generates static html from rst source. A backend agnostic, zero compilation, markdown blogging platform. Before refactoring for extract a class, it was 90 lines of python, flask and markdown. Write content in restructuredtext or markdown markup. Vellum chkmnpt support for formatted python code in posts. Write content in restructuredtext or markdown using your editor of choice. Staticgen is a leaderboard of the top open source static site generators. Jekyll simple, blogaware, static sites transform your. If, however, youre a python aficionado, then your preferences are wellcatered for in the form of pelican the most popular static blog generator built with python and the third most popular. Ive started dirtyblog for my own usage, its a simple blog.

Generated site can be blog, game list, interactive. Its main requirement is that your code is annotated using the python 3 function annotation syntax pep 484 notation in order for it to type check your code and find common bugs. In goes content, out comes a website, ready to deploy. Get started with nikola learn about nikola features nikola is written in python 3 3.

Venc markdownyaml static blog generator with multiple columns layout support. A static site generator in python part 1 the startup medium. Jekyll template guide permalinks, categories, pages, posts, and custom layouts are all firstclass citizens here. Pelican is a static site generator, written in python. It is a commonly used static site generator written in python. Pelican is a static site generator that requires no database or serverside logic. The primary templating engine is jinja and markdown, restructuredtext and asciidoc are supported with the default configuration. Hugo is one of the most popular opensource static site generators. Jekyll simple, blogaware, static sites transform your plain text. Crazy that something so fast can be a static site generator. Pelican is a commonly used python static website generator which is used to create full stack python. Databases used by most cms software are a major source of vulnerabilities.

As a software developer, i prefer to manage my own server and keep more. Pocoo libs based zine formerly textpress an open source personal publishing platform that inherits many ideas of wordpress written in. Theres a decent amount of themes and you can typically find external blogs to help you through the setup if the documentation isnt doing the trick. Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs. Slightly different than the earlier two options, mypy is a static type checker for python. I use it on the heroku freetier, it dont serve static files, so it can be a bit hard for your wife if the posts have a lot of images, etc. Pyblosxom pypi ckmprt really simple cgi blog with flat file blog posts. This is a list of web log blog software written in python, organised by category. Deploying a static blog with continuous integration uses a hugo a golangbased static site generator generated site as an example but the instructions can easily be used to deploy a pythonbased static site generator output as well. Pelican is typically the go to when it comes to static python blogs. Lektor is a static content management system and site generator that can deploy its output to any webserver. Simple, lightweight, and magicfree static siteblog generator for python coders. Complexity a refreshingly simple static site generator.